General information
| The prices quoted include 25 km travel costs from 5146DV - everything beyond 0.25 cents per kilometer.
| The prices stated on the website are valid until December 31, 2024. These can be changed at any time, with the exception of already confirmed shoots.
| The RAW (unedited) images are never released.
| It is not permitted to edit supplied digital files yourself or to place them on the internet in an editing other than that made by me.
| Attribution: When using photos taken by the photographer on social media, for example, it is always mandatory to post the photos with attribution (tagging and mentioning) of the photographer.
| It is not permitted to use/use files for commercial or non-profit companies, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
| Saving the photos after delivery is the responsibility of the customer. After delivering the photos, the customer cannot rely on a backup from Jamie Paijmans.
| When booking a shoot, you automatically agree that all photos may be used by the photographer for website, social media or printing for promotional purposes. If you prefer not to have this, there is of course room to discuss this in advance.